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Writer's pictureLeonora Shell

Starting our New Year off SMART

Our guests and students can write their own intentions and goals for the new year to add to our interactive display at Kalexedy.

It’s easy to set resolutions and even easier to quickly abandon them, but one of the ways we are approaching the New Year at Kalexedy is to choose a word for the year and set some intentions around it. What I really mean is setting a SMART goal. If it’s been a while for you, here’s a refresher: 

  • Specific: Make sure the goal clearly states what will be done and who will do it. 

  • Measurable: Include how the goal will be measured so you can determine if you're making progress. 

  • Achievable: Make sure the goal is realistic and attainable. 

  • Relevant: Consider why you're setting the goal and if it fits the purpose of the grant or your overall objectives. 

  • Time-bound: Set a realistic deadline for the goal

One of our sixth grade students working on their resolutions and goals for the new year.

In 2025 my personal goals are to move more and write more – I’d like to be able to go on longer hikes in the summertime with my family and finish that manuscript that’s been rattling around in the back of my head. My word of the year is "stretch." Here’s where I am starting: 

Specific: Walk two laps around my block (1 mile) after getting home from work. Wake up 30 minutes earlier to get 500 words written while drinking my morning coffee. 

Measurable: 1 mile, 500 words

Achievable: These are reasonable goals and not a stretch by any means. They take approximately an hour out of my day that I might otherwise spend scrolling on my phone. If I end up doing more (another lap, 1000 words), then great! But I don’t fail to reach my goal because they weren’t unreasonable. 

Relevant: I want to work towards a healthier lifestyle and I want to finish my third book. 

Time-bound: One day at a time, if I skip a day I just pick back up the next day. I've set a goal to finish my manuscript by the time we start our summer camp for the year, so I'm excited to keep working toward that!

I chose to focus on two goals for this year because (other than the research phase) writing is such a sedentary activity. I want to have balance in my day and not sacrifice one goal for the other. Also, I’m cheating, and starting early. I’m reminded of the Lao Tzu quote,

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”― Lao Tzu

If you’d like to establish a word of the year and then SMART goal practice with your students we’d love to hear what some of yours end up being! Feel free to use this free download to help your students organize their goals for 2025!

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